Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August colors in North Georgia

Don't forget to go here if you'd like to see the colors in August from places all over the world!  Here are the colors in my part of the world...
A lovely plant at the State Botanical Gardens
 Some butterflies on flowers, also at the Gardens
 A gorgeous double rainbow as seen from my front porch
 The one stray vinca from last month became a whole beautiful clump!
 The roses are beginning their late-summer bloom


Amy Friend said...

Pretty, pretty! What is the name of that butterfly? I think it might be the type I have noticed here this summer if they come this far north.

Delighted Hands said...

Beautiful......and you made the post in the nick of time! The vinca is stunning! The rainbow was a gift.....

Life Looms Large said...

Gorgeous pictures!! Good catch on the double rainbow and the butterflies. (I always have trouble with photos like that where everything is very temporary or in motion.)

Even though the link didn't make it into the list before it closed, I'll put a link to your post in the summary so people can see it!! Thanks for letting me know! (Hope the kiddo is OK!)

Thanks for sharing your colors!


Annie said...

So glad your post was included in the Autumn colours posts: your pictures are great! I especially like the butterflies and double the rainbow.