Sunday, February 08, 2009

A typical Sunday afternoon at our house

I'm pre-writing this post to hit on Sunday afternoon (when, hopefully, I'll be asleep), so that you'll get a little idea of what Sunday afternoon looks like around here. After lunch, we immediately hit our respective napping places...
Bruce is sound asleep in well under one minute. Seriously. Abigail usually reads a couple of books in her bed and then falls asleep. (This picture is from last week, after she'd already come downstairs.) David and I start at opposite ends of the couch and then he either snuggles his way down near me to fall asleep or hides under the pillow and falls asleep, like in this picture. It takes me much longer to wind down enough to fall asleep. I either read and watch football/golf a little and then fall asleep, or just sit and get computer chores done while the house is quiet. Then it's off to evening church, all well-rested and ready to go!


Delighted Hands said...

Ahhhhhhh, Sunday afternoons......

Debbie Griffin said...

Does it get any better than that? I can't imagine so!!!