Thursday, August 14, 2008

A new quilt in the works

Today my friend Karen came over to share another afternoon of sewing and conversation. Today we started to assemble a quilt that must currently remain a "mystery quilt" -- no more details until a few months down the road when its recipient and story are revealed -- but at least I can share a "from-afar" picture! (The ivory in the corners are just filler blocks; after we laid out the original pieces tonight, we changed our minds on the fabric choice for those blocks and so we need to get something new...quilter's prerogative!!!) It's always so nice to share amiable conversation and even the occasional companionable silence while our hands are busy, and it's also very nice to end the day with so much to show for our time!

1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

It is this the signature quilt.....I think I can see writing in some areas of the blocks. Great work!