Saturday, August 02, 2008

Last days of summer fun part 2

...yesterday the kids and I spent the morning playing together (below is when I was the doctor and they were the [very dramatic] patients)......and then when the kids started to ignore me, I got to try out an idea that has been brewing for a month or so. It's nice when something turns out the way it looks in my mind! These are some hair things for Abigail; I used some tools I borrowed from my mom (I can't remember what they're called!) and some ribbon...In the meantime, I let the kids have the somewhat-rare pleasure of tearing all of the cushions and pillows off of the couches and turning them into adventures -- today it was many things: a mountain, a fort, a boat, a horse-drawn wagon, a jail, etc...

I also did more organizing of our school area (at the kitchen table -- there's no picture to share yet because some of my stuff is still spread out on the table for further review!) and did a quick kitchen cleanup. By the time I finished that, the kids were ready for lunch and pool, so we changed out of our pajamas (sorry, Jessica, but it's a treat for us!), packed a picnic lunch, and headed down to the pool, where we stayed until almost five o'clock.

We ended the evening with pizza, Daddy-time, and watching Tom & Jerry...
and the last weekday of our summer vacation drew to a close...


Delighted Hands said...

So nice to see the kids imagination in full bloom! I like your ribbon flowers-good job!

Jess said...

Do you go to Walmart in your pj's too? I like the hair flowers.