Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Series on grief

I would recommend that, when you have a quiet few minutes, you click here to read a series on grief (scroll down and start at part 1). It is a series that gives a little insight on what's likely going on 'behind the scenes' for someone who is grieving. Most of us are very uncomfortable around someone who is grieving, in part because we don't know what to expect, to say, or to do. Over the last couple of years, Bruce and I have often discussed that every one of us needs to be taught how to interact with people who are grieving, because it does not come naturally. (Admittedly, even after experiencing some deep grief of my own, I still don't find it an easy thing to reach out to others who are grieving.) A little bit of background: The blog I am linking you to is Molly Piper's (and yes, for those of you familiar with John Piper of Desiring God, this is his daughter-in-law). Molly and her husband lost their little girl last year just before her full-term delivery; baby Felicity was stillborn. At the time of their loss, I was still reeling after our third miscarriage, and from the time we heard their news, I have followed Molly's blog and prayed for them often. I can't imagine the depth of their grief, and Molly has been a real blessing to me in that, although they recognize and acknowledge God's perfect plan for their lives, and glorify Him even through their pain, at the same time she has been very open about the grief that occurs and that is very real and very painful. I hope that this series will be a blessing to you, too -- and to those around you who are grieving and need your love and encouragement.

1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

I think there is no difinitive way to respond to someone in grief because we all respond to grief in a different way, on different days different degrees. We can't make sense of it so why do we expect others to? An arm around a friend goes farther than a bunch f words, I am sending you a hug today......