Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hopping, running, falling down...

The hopping and running part of this post's title is for Abigail -- she had both a PT and an OT evaluation today and did very well. It will be a couple of weeks before we get the complete report(s), but it looks like she is in age-appropriate ranges for both. How far she has come! (...praise the Lord!) She does have ulnar deviation on her left arm (the hand and wrist pull toward the outside bone of the arm [the ulna], which causes the muscles on the inside of the arm to over-stretch and the muscles on the outside of the arm to shorten, which, if uncorrected, can start a vicious cycle of increasing severity of the deviation), and it has worsened a bit over the last year or so, so Abigail will be wearing a brace on that wrist/hand/forearm not only for sleeping, but also for at least some of the day. It will be custom-made (she was thrilled that she got to pick purple!) and it should arrive in a few weeks. After all of her work today, she is one tired little girl, but she did a great job accomplishing all of the tasks required of her for these evaluations and we are so thankful for the progress she has made! Now, the falling part was mine today...I didn't realize there was a step behind me at a friend's porch and I twisted my ankle falling off of it...any of you who know me can picture this scenario very easily!!! Gratefully, it seems to be only a minor sprain, but after being on my feet most of the day today, it sure does ache. I am going into bed very shortly and hopefully it will be much improved in the morning! I am glad Abigail didn't inherit my klutz-gene...she has enough of a challenge with her CP and doesn't need the extra challenge of klutziness!!! The rest of our day was spent squeezing in school and cutting out a new quilt with my friend Karen. We finished our cutting, ate dinner, then she left and I put the kids to bed at 6:45, and I'm ready to crash already, too! Bruce is working late, but I'm afraid I shan't be awake to greet him when he gets home tonight. I will leave him a cup of coffee and a snack...and hopefully that will be enough of a welcome, because I'm fading fast!


Delighted Hands said...

Ay picture of your ankle to compare with your brother's latest entry?! Hope it feels better today-what did you decide on the quilt-pattern, color, etc?

Liz said...

Sounds like me.... I twist my ankle ALL the time. I hope Alex has better coordination than his mom.