Sunday, May 10, 2009

Prayer request...and updates

Update Tuesday morning -- Caleb had a decent night; he was in a lot pain after they changed his wound dressing this morning, but is now doped up on morphine and sleeping. He is supposed to be released today, so my mom will be taking him home to his apartment and staying for a few days to take care of him. The doctors had been concerned that, due to the infection spreading, they were going to have to remove part of his large intestine, but (thank the Lord) they were able to leave it intact. He has a three-inch scar and no more appendix, but he should be good to go in a few weeks! ~~~~~~~~~~ Update Monday late afternoon -- Caleb is out of surgery. Praise the Lord. Details to come later... ~~~~~~~~~~ Update Monday mid-afternoon -- Caleb is finally in surgery (the wait was for a very good reason - sadly for someone's family, but happily for someone else's, a heart became available last night shortly before Caleb would have gone into surgery - the heart transplant requires a bunch of personnel and a long time, so other surgeries, including Caleb's, needed to be delayed for a while). He asked the doc if he would be able to play basketball on Friday - ha, ha! Thanks for continuing to pray. ~~~~~~~~~~ Update Monday 8:00 a.m. -- Caleb is still waiting to go into mom is with him now, at least...he is in a huge amount of pain...big sister thinks it makes sense for them to get the show on the road and get that appendix out of there BEFORE it bursts...grrr! ~~~~~~~~~~ youngest brother Caleb is headed into surgery for appendicitis...thank you for praying...


Debbie Griffin said...

I'll be praying...please be sure to let us know how things go...

Anonymous said...

Grandma agrees that they should have taken it out yesterday!!!! I feel too far away.

cj and family said...

Yikes! We'll be praying, Marsel!

Delighted Hands said...

We both look worse for wear from the lack of rest at the hospital right now but are grateful for the Lord's mercy each step of the way.