Thursday, February 15, 2007

My post-op, Abigail's pre-op...

Yes, I know it's been over a week since I last posted, but there hasn't really been anything newsworthy to report! I am still considering posting a close-up of my multi-colored belly button (bruised like crazy) but I haven't decided yet! My recovery from surgery has been more brutal than I had expected...though now other gallbladder-ectomy (no, that's not really what it's called, but you get the idea) veterans are stepping forward with the "Well, I didn't want to say it BEFORE your surgery, but it's a pretty rough recovery..." Oh well, I look forward to the future without fear of another terrible attack, and that part is good! Yesterday was the first day I felt like I was really improving, and I even managed a little light housework...hooray. I am feeling just good enough now to be very tired of sitting on the couch! My parents left Tuesday morning and my in-laws arrived yesterday morning, so we have been and are being well taken care of around here, not to mention the church family who are bring meals to relieve my mothers of dinner work every few days. Everybody has been great. Tomorrow morning is Abigail's tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy. Please pray for her safety in surgery as well as an easy recovery...she is not a very happy patient and I know this surgery involves a lot of post-op pain...! We will most likely be in the hospital overnight but I will try to post a quick update as soon as I can.


Debbie Griffin said...

Glad to hear you're doing better...hopefully going through a second tonsillectomy recovery will make it a bit easier since you know more of what's coming! BTW...until I can get a proper thank you out...We love the outfit for Sarah! Thanks for your thoughtfulness! And thanks for reminding me of the made me smile today! (That and 2 five hour stretches of sleep last night!) This season of our lives will pass all too quickly (or so I'm told!)

Anonymous said...

I was just about to ask how you were doing and I see an update! I'm glad to hear it sounds like you are almost recovered. Why not show a picture of the bruise... :) Hopefully things will go smoothly with Abigail. I'll check back to find out.