Wednesday, February 28, 2007
February spring days
You can see by the pictures that the kids love all of the extra outside time. Yesterday Abigail graduated -- we put away her baby swing and put up another big-girl swing, low enough that she can get on and off by herself -- she knew she was hot stuff! (...see more photos here!)
Monday, February 26, 2007
Dr. David
To the right is a picture of Mommy and Abigail getting a snuggle after bathtime -- I love to look at us in the mirror in this pose because it STILL awes me that, having been a daughter all of my life, I now have a daughter of my own! It just plain still amazes me that what I have dreamed about for as long as I can remember -- being a wife and a mom -- has been granted to me...thank You, Lord, for my family...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Another one starts driving...
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So as not to neglect that very four year old (who is supervising this post), I will also include a picture of him riding his bike down the hill! (We have been thoroughly enjoying a couple of days of gorgeous weather...) ...and yes, he is wearing outgrown pajama pants. He HAD to wear them today because "But look, Mom, see how they match my shirt SO PERFECT?!"
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Pretty in pink?!
I am very grateful for baby wipes and non-permanent lipstick -- because all of the 'art' came out/off!
When David came in and saw what Abigail had done, he gasped and exclaimed, "Abigail, that's naughty!!!", to which she responded, "No, not naughty! Pretty pink!"
...may I note that I had never told her that lipstick (and painting with it!) was off-limits...the look on her face was completely innocent...she was very pleased with her artistic expression! May I also note that we then had a discussion about it all being off-limits, because while we are laughing behind our hands now, I don't care to have it repeated!!!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Once upon a time, there was a princess...
Abigail's moods and pain levels closely match the cycle of her pain meds -- when she is on the upside of the meds, she is happy to play quietly and has even eaten some egg salad sandwich, cold cooked carrots, applesauce, and little bit of hot dog. When she is on the downside of the meds, she just drools and cries and the only thing that makes her even remotely happy is a Signing Time video!
Overall, she is doing well, considering. Hooray for Hydrocodone! :-)
(PS -- Thank you to Abigail's cousins Anna and Olivia for passing down their outgrown dress-up stuff -- they gave Abigail the princess dress, which she LOVES!)
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Abigail is recovering
^^Abigail pre-op, under the effects of the 'loopy drugs' -- she was so funny!
Abigail post-op -->
Thursday, February 15, 2007
My post-op, Abigail's pre-op...
Yes, I know it's been over a week since I last posted, but there hasn't really been anything newsworthy to report! I am still considering posting a close-up of my multi-colored belly button (bruised like crazy) but I haven't decided yet! My recovery from surgery has been more brutal than I had expected...though now other gallbladder-ectomy (no, that's not really what it's called, but you get the idea) veterans are stepping forward with the "Well, I didn't want to say it BEFORE your surgery, but it's a pretty rough recovery..." Oh well, I look forward to the future without fear of another terrible attack, and that part is good! Yesterday was the first day I felt like I was really improving, and I even managed a little light housework...hooray. I am feeling just good enough now to be very tired of sitting on the couch!
My parents left Tuesday morning and my in-laws arrived yesterday morning, so we have been and are being well taken care of around here, not to mention the church family who are bring meals to relieve my mothers of dinner work every few days. Everybody has been great.
Tomorrow morning is Abigail's tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy. Please pray for her safety in surgery as well as an easy recovery...she is not a very happy patient and I know this surgery involves a lot of post-op pain...! We will most likely be in the hospital overnight but I will try to post a quick update as soon as I can.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
No more gallbladder!
My surgery went well and I am feeling okay as long as I don't miss my pain meds...more details later. This is my first time off of the couch (I hobbled out to sit on the porch swing in the sunshine) and now I am ready for another nap!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
More Florida fun
More Florida pictures...the big cow (at a gas station), the neighbors' goats, and the playground
Our Florida trip
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Home from Florida
Well, we're home from Florida -- we had a wonderful week with my grandparents (and parents and brother) and were sad to leave, but of course we are excited to come home to Bruce (I am also happy to see my Sleep Number bed and my high-speed Internet!). I have lots of pictures and will try to post some by this weekend.
We jump right back into life tomorrow as I have two pre-op appointments...I have been scheduled for surgery to remove my gallbladder on Tuesday, Feb. 6th. Also, Abigail's tonsil/adenoidectomy will be Friday, Feb. 16th.
Glad to have enjoyed our week -- and glad to be back home again -- hope you are all well!
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