Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Jumping for joy...

...because we have finished our schoolwork and later today we're heading off on our first-ever family camping adventure to celebrate the end of our school year!  The tent, sleeping bags, and s'mores supplies are packed and we are raring to go!
(Actually, these pictures were taken because the kids wanted to show off while I was playing around with our new camera, but it goes with the theme, so I used them.) :)


Bethany said...

Ooooo a new camera, fun! We love to camp but we haven't gotten adventurous and gone with the kids yet. Have a great time!

Delighted Hands said...

You all have something great to jump for joy about! Have a great time camping and put that new camera to good use! <3

cj and family said...

Yea! for a new camera! :)