Thursday, July 29, 2010

Get in the truck and drive

The title of this blog post is a common household saying around here (we heard it from my dad-in-law; it's part of a story but I don't feel like typing it all!).  The main gist of it, though, is not to stand around and try to figure out how something is going to get done, but to just do it.  Get in the truck and drive.  Well, anyway, we took it quite literally today!  We hit the road at 7:30 and home just before was a long day of a million or so errands, but we got them done -- phew!  Another list accomplished before we start school!  Here are a few highlights of the day...
The library...Abigail would take a truckload of books every time if I let her. :)
 David was in the middle of picking books when he heard the siren call of construction work (our library is being renovated)...he spent the rest of the time watching them dump gravel and run the compactor.
 They both earned free Chik-Fil-A meals by completing the reading requirements at the library's Summer Reading Program (nine chapter books each -- great job, guys!).  I took them to a special Chik-Fil-A that we'd never been to's called the Dwarf House and the kids loved entering through the pint-sized front door!
 A highlight of the day for me...a quilt shop!  I'd never been to this one before and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  (And I found the fabric that I was after...peach tone-on-tone for Abigail's quilt.  It was slim pickings, even at the quilt shop...apparently peach went out with the 1980s and nobody but me wants any these days?!)  David insisted that he should take a picture of me there...all of the excuses I wanted to offer him for not wanting to be in the picture were ones that I KNEW would come back to bite me the next time I wanted a picture of I sat nicely!!!
 Our last stop was to pick up our friends' bird, who is staying with us while they're on vacation.  She's very sweet and no trouble to keep.
 Mindy is quite fascinated with the new houseguest.  I think she is more curious than anything (although I do not plan to test that theory!).  I am pretty sure she is whispering, "Come over here and let me kiss you, little bird!" :)


Delighted Hands said...

Great fabric choice on the peach! Fun outing. What!?! I didn't know about the birdsitting! Fun or what!

Jess said...

Is the bird as nice as the 'delightful' bird I had growing up?

The quilt shop looks like a fun shopping trip.

I like how Abigail hoards from the library like all true life long readers do!

Emily MacGill said...

I SO miss the library in Bolingbrook. The one nearest us is 30 miles away, and they have a pathetic selection! :( But I have fond memories of going to the library often as a child (and teen, and adult). I'm glad your kids love to read!