Thursday, February 28, 2008

One year later...still no CI!

I had planned to post this on the one-year anniversary date of Feb. 16th, but with the unusual schedule of vacation, I just plain forgot! So here goes, better late than never... Last year David was scheduled to receive his first cochlear implant on February 16th. In the month or so preceding the surgery, his hearing had improved and held relatively steady, so his doctor recommended that we postpone the surgery (and we were very much in agreement). And here we are, a year later, and both kids still have their natural hearing and their hearing aids. We never thought we'd get to this point in time with no CIs. In the meantime, they have both made huge strides with their speech, and they have both learned to read...and these things will only make CI rehab easier when the day does come. We were at peace as we approached David's first CI last year, because we knew that our God has a perfect plan for our kids, and He knows what is best for them. But now, a year later, we are SO thankful for this extra time He has allowed for them with just their HAs. We can not fully express our thankfulness for this unexpected blessing!!!

1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

Maybe they WILL make it to early adulthood the way things are-wouldn't that be something! You have done all to be ready and now we will all trust God to make known the right this not our calling in all things?